The visual business card – Lawyers

Lawyer - blog - Anja Ekstrøm

Paragraph - lawyer - blog - Anja Ekstrøm Lawyer - blog - Anja Ekstrøm






The visual business card – Lawyers

When we have to use a lawyer, it is often in a situation with a negative sign. A situation where we are vulnerable, insecure, sensitive and we are often on our bare bottom ourselves, and must hand over our full trust to another and foreign person. In business, large sums of money are often at stake. Trust is as important here as anywhere else.

Regardless of whether it concerns wills, divorces, large business cases, etc., there are some key words that are alpha omega when we have to choose a lawyer: Trust, Professionalism, Empathy, and in some cases (probably mostly business-related) empathy has been replaced by "bloodhound" "Regardless of WHICH keywords are important to each of us, there is a place where we can fulfill our expectations:

The picture of the lawyer

It can be on the website, footer in the email, article in the newspaper, LinkedIn – anywhere!

It is therefore so damn important that your images in your practice have a common thread WHOLE the road. You must radiate what you offer! They must be professional images that capture the person in their profession. It doesn't work with individual employees who have pictures from their last holiday to Mallorca, or a lawyer who has a profile picture that best suits a visual artist.... can you see where i want to go??

If I am faced with a billion dollar contract, I will not hire the lawyer who has a non-serious image from the last company party in a half-brand! I call him who has control over himself and radiates that he is a MASTER at what he does.

Consistency – Professionalism – Trustworthy! This is what is needed in all company images – after all, it is your visual business card to the outside world!

Do you have a practice where the above may be the case? or do you have someone in your network who you think needs a visual boost? Finally, contact me for a non-binding meeting about how together we can lift your visual image and thereby create more interest in your profile

Click HERE to contact me

P.S. Share this in your network - they get 10% if they say your name when booking


Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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