selfie Anja Ekstrøm

Now it is almost EXACTLY 6 months ago that I took the leap as a 100% independent photographer.

No fixed salary every month.

No illness with salary guarantee.

No 8-16 meeting times.

No full days off (almost).

…. and I look back with the question: So is it worth it??

The answer is; ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY!!! It's totally worth it x 100,000,000!!

As I described in a previous blog post, the office job has never really suited me - compare it to a jacket that is just too narrow over the shoulders: You NEED a jacket and you can easily wear it, but it doesn't fit quite.

That's how I felt for 20 years... I just never took the time to delve into the WHY or what to do about it. I didn't dare! Because what if I didn't like the answer? I have always had an economy that has dictated my choices and therefore it was very scary to say goodbye to the secure income and fixed framework.

It is the BEST thing I could have ever done for myself and my quality of life! For the first time in my life I feel passion for what I do. I feel it in my bones that I am EXACTLY where I need to be and I love love love to be allowed to build on my lifelong dream.

Those who have said "yes I love my job so much I love Monday morning" - I have wanted to strangle them and throw up next to them.... NOW I AM ONE OF THEM!! And I like to shout it from every rooftop 🙂

Since I went "all in" with the photography, I have had clients such as L'oreal, Universal Music, the Aveny chain, etc. and it proves (not least to myself):

 "If you can dream it, you can DO it"

I look forward to sharing ALL with you on my journey and hope that you will follow both here on the blog, but also support Facebook and Instagram – it will mean the world.




Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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