My big day has arrived!

The large online universe for photographers and customers is now online by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

You'd almost think I've had a child! and you know what…. I almost have too!!! There are MANY many months of work ahead of this blog post but NOW…. NOWUUUUUUUU I'm LIVE with the great new online universe! FINALLY I can show you all what I've worked hard to get completely […]

A career change late in life?

A career change late in life?

YES! I did it! But don't get wet without sweaty palms! Not only did I have to drop a steady paycheck, I also totally changed direction! "From Office Chair to Camera" could be the title of my fictional book 😉 I spent over 20 years as an office worker in various companies and by chance became a photographer... and it is [...]

Is it difficult to make "Creative Beauty"?

I am often contacted by new photographers around the world who love what I do in beauty photography. The most frequently asked question is: "is it difficult to create creative beauty??" That is a huge question... for WHAT is host? Planning, the ideas, lights..? what part of it? For some it is all of the above, [...]

What is a modifier?

What is a modifier

Here I am happy to help... As a new photographer, you hear many technical terms that you have no idea what they are.... one of them might be the word “modifier”…. and then you often think that you don't want to ask because you don't want to seem stupid and rookie-like.... There are NO stupid questions here - I had to learn it myself on […]

What is "Macro Beauty"?

What is Macro Beauty

Texture, colors, details, structure in absolute close up is basically what "Macro Beauty" is all about - if you're like me, your fingers tingle to be allowed to create magic with the camera. What is macro beauty? In my opinion, it is EVERYTHING I love about beauty photography, just a lot […]


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