AMAZING photoshoot at Beauty Academy Copenhagen

WOW what a rush…. SO much talent and creativity in ONE place….!!

Yesterday I was hired by the Beauty Academy CPH to shoot beauty shots for their students' "exam look" - that is, a "graduation picture" if you can describe it that way.

I had 6 teams (model and artist) through the studio and I was simply blown away....

Firstly, I was received so fantastically and along the way as the day progressed, I got more and more butterflies in my stomach about how MUCH I was in my S…. I simply LOVE being behind the camera and creating magic with my “team members”

The models were all from Le Management and were really really talented and beautiful – they all delivered the goods (+ a little)

I am impressed by the work of the artists - if they deliver this as newly hatched make-up artists, then there really is a beautiful world waiting when they swing their brushes in the future.

Being allowed to be THAT big a part of the make up artists' graduation/graduation is for me a BIG DEAL. It is truly an honor for me to have been chosen for this assignment…. Thank you, I humbly say.

Here are the backstage photos from yesterday, shot by everyone who just passed by with camera in hand, and later I will publish the final result of the students' performances.

Who wouldn't want to have a great day with these lovely people!!!

I'm already looking forward to the next time - to come back and shoot more beautiful pictures and enjoy the day with the amazing people who work on site and the new team of makeup artists who will show their "final look".

**** I will soon be doing a portrait of Beauty Academy CPH here on the blog, so STAY TUNED****

As always, you can find me at:
Instagram: anjaekstroem

Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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