I LOVE being allowed and the opportunity to pamper myself….. as most women can nod in recognition that this is the point we most often postpone, cancel, don't spend money on, etc., so WHEN it happens, it's the big changes that happen! (at least for me)

I cut my long hair off some time ago, much to my regret! I can thank you myself for the failure as it was one of those “something drastic has to happen” decisions…. but shut up, how I regretted it and was really upset every time I looked in the mirror and saw my "wife hairstyle"!. I felt 15 years older! For me, part of my femininity is on top of my head – YES, I know it's bullshit! but that's the way it is… if my hair is nice, then I FEEL nice…. period!

THEN it happened!

When I first visited Salon Delicious, I got extensions with tape - OH how happy I was. Imagine: I got my long hair back in an HOUR! I floated out of the salon! (read the blog post HERE) However, I found out that the tape solution was not for me, but instead we tried Hot Fusion and THAT is the method I like the most. It is VERY flexible when you want to have your hair up etc. "I've heard it ruins the hair", you're probably thinking... NOPE, if you let the pros take them out and don't get creative with the toolbox yourself, it's no more or less damaging than the other methods, in my experience…. However, there are some rules for how to take best care of your extensions and they must of course be observed....

Reach! but…. back to NOW…. I've just been to Spain for 3 weeks and before leaving I had my hair pulled off because it would be too hot for me to have all that hair and so before returning home I booked my appointment with Gitte Sommer who is a hairdresser at Salon Delicious in Rødovre... and we had VIIIIIILD plans! 

Take the 3 short minutes to watch the video here and check out the wild change!!  (Click on the image)


I will make a new blog post later about the beautiful nails Christina Nielsen doing – that will come another day…. before WOW she is talented! (She also sits at DELICIOUS in Rødovre)

I am really really happy about my big change and I feel VERY delicious!

Stay Gorgeous! And just remember to follow up on Instagram and Facebook (there camesoon a blistered giveaway!!) and here on the website you can sign up for my newsletter which is AT LEAST just as blistered 🙂




Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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