Reception at Beauty Academy DK / Elf Cosmetics

I was so honored to be invited to the reception where proofs were to be handed over and speeches given - in front of the artists' families etc.

To my great surprise, I was lifted up and given a few nice words and flowers - it was very touching and I was really happy.

As you know, I was the photographer for the "final look" exam photo for all the newly hatched make up artists and I promised to show you the finished result when they were published.

IT'S THEY NOW – YUHUUU!! (they come at the bottom of this post – enjoy them, they are MUCH great)

The girls' reaction to their first REAL photoshoot with their beautiful make up and hairdos was PRICELESS! Girls…. YOU ROCK!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do.

As always, you can find me at:
Instagram: anjaekstroem

Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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