4 series in the new issue of Ugly Fat Magazine

Ugly Fat Magazine – NOVEMBER

Then the new issue is out!! And I have 4 editorials in this edition – YAY!!

Ugly Fat Magazine is not what the name might suggest, but a serious online fashion magazine - see it here: www.uglyfat.dk/magazine

Here is a snip from some of the series I have in the magazine, but click on the magazine and check it out - it's pretty delicious!!

Hope you will enjoy the pictures as much as us who have helped to make it, do ????

I will of course keep you constantly updated here on the blog with what I am running and doing.

Follow us on www.facebook.com/AEkstroem and Instagram: anjaekstroem

Self-portrait by photographer Anja Ekstrøm

Anja Ekstrom

International beauty and fashion photography ninja

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